Money Management ALM Risk in Focus For those of you who need corrective lenses like I do – have you ever sat in the optometrist’s chair and struggled to decide which eye chart was more in focus? A or B, B or C? Sometimes, it is an obvious choice; then others, I feel that both are
Money Management Better Budgeting: Aim for the Moving Target The market is uncertain, budgeting season is wrapping up and after all the iterations are complete, it leaves me to wonder…why do this at all? Why do we spend so much time getting the budget correct when there is so much uncertainty? The targeted growth could be wrong, the
Money Management Providing for Shade: 3 Concepts to Incorporate in Your ALM Modeling Warren Buffett once said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” As Buffet’s quote reminds me, I would much prefer to leverage the efforts by others who came before me to my benefit. It just makes sense, doesn’t it?
Money Management ALM Management: Less is More or More is Less? Growing up, I frequently heard the famous quote from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, “Less is More”. Maybe you did too. But for me, as a child, this phrase did not resonate with me. Why wouldn’t you put all the possible toppings on an ice cream sundae? It just
Money Management The Liquidity Awakening Has Begun The recent rate environment has done wonders for many sleepy ALM programs, waking them up and inciting a resurgence of focus in the way credit unions monitor the interest rate risk exposure on their balance sheets. After 10 years in a static rate environment, this demanding rate cycle has forced
Money Management The Ingredients for a Strong ALM Program When’s the last time you baked a cake for a special occasion? Or tried your hand at a new recipe for dinner? Even if you’re a pro in the kitchen, chances are you still probably utilized some of the basic ingredients, right? Otherwise, you might run the risk
Money Management Goldilocks and the ALM Model Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? You know, the one where a little girl happens to find the home of three bears in the woods. She goes inside and eats their bowl of porridge. One of the bowls of porridge is too hot; one is
Money Management Asset Liability Management: Interest Rate Risk Exposure Limits When a credit union comes to me regarding updating asset liability management (ALM) policy limits, one of my first questions to them is: what is your risk tolerance? More often than not, I get the response: we are not sure, what does the NCUA say?. While it’s definitely important
Money Management “Oh Bother,” Another Model Validation Do you ever have quotes pop into your head that seem to just fit your situation? What about when the exam list or a model validation request makes its way to your inbox? I know what I hear it in my head, “Oh Bother!” I never fully appreciated this phrase
Money Management Broaden Your Perspective with Liquidity Stress Testing “Because I said so.” Few phrases convey a universal response of utter dismay like this one. I remember vividly as a child hating this response and, like most children, vowed never to let those words escape my lips. Those same childhood memories influence our responses to this day and leave
Money Management ALCO: Knowing Why is the Recipe for Success Treasured family recipes are passed down for generations and hold significant memories for the family. I heard of a family that had a secret candied ham recipe that was held in the highest regard and only passed down to the most serious of chefs. When the great-granddaughter was making the