One Small But Mighty Deed

Every year in early October, the seasons change, the days start out colder and thoughts turn towards cozy blankets and warm fires. During this transition, Vizo Financial leaves the office setting behind and gets out in the community to offer a Day of Service to our employees. This is a day where we come together as coworkers, family members, friends and loved ones to focus on the needs of others and renew our commitment to the credit union motto of “People Helping People.”
The stats this year looked like this:
- 106 volunteers
- 14 separate organizations
- Service in three separate states
As I reflect on the day and look over the pictures taken at each location, gratitude wells up inside of me and I am thankful to be part of this exceptional team.
The news tells us the world is a dark and scary place, and that each day is getting harder and harder. But for just a few minutes, take a closer look with me at some of these pictures to see the good that is prevailing and the lasting impact that even the smallest actions have.
The first image I see is a mom and her son selecting the organization they want to support. This mom is starting early in teaching her child about the importance of helping others. She wants to teach her child that its important to think of others and offer a helping hand whenever we can.

Next, I see a team harvesting the last fruits of the season. This urban farm is in the middle of a food desert, and they’re learning that it’s important to make sure nothing goes to waste. By looking closely and being gentle in their picking, they find eight pounds of peppers and 12 pounds of okra that go the very same day to families who struggle for access to fresh food.

The next photo shows smiles, laughter and generations of people working to assemble route signs for a local breast cancer walk. From a new dad with his three-month-old son strapped to the front of him, to a team member with two children drawing on their own faces, to a seasoned executive proud of the team assembled, laughter is being shared, bonds are being built and, in this unique way, this team is supporting the journey of those walking with cancer and those looking for a cure.

The next images are of clothes being sorted and meals being created. These efforts will provide choices for teens who have been wearing the same two outfits to school each week, confidence at the next interview for the job seeker and peace of mind for those who need to be in uniform at work each day. Parents and caretakers will be able to put their children to sleep with full bellies because of the cans that are being sorted and the apples that are being bagged.

These images come from a few hours of small but mighty deeds that personify people helping people. But how does a glimpse into Vizo Financial’s Day of Service help you as a leader? Well, hopefully, it causes you to think about those small but mighty deeds that have made an impact in your life and how, at just the right moment, your day was made better and a relationship was deepened because of another’s kindness.
Perhaps it might also cause you to think about how your own small but mighty actions might mean the world to others. Would a smile be just what a new employee needs to feel like part of the team? Could leaving 10 minutes early today get a parent home in time to share dinner with the entire family around the table? Could a discussion around future development encourage a young professional to stay on their chosen career path and let them know someone believes in them? Would working together to support an important cause make a small but mighty impact in your team, your credit union and your community?
As you go about your day today, never underestimate the impact each action makes in the lives of others! As Jackie Robinson once said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
Jeanne Heath is the director of learning and engagement for Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union. Ms. Heath has spent the bulk of her career conducting training within the financial services industry with a strong focus on technical and change management training during mergers and acquisitions. Jeanne has developed and implemented a dynamic onboarding program which immediately immersed new employees into the company culture of “positively impacting people’s lives” through an atmosphere of high performance, high accountability and high care. She is a certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and has earned her Credit Union Development Education (CUDE) designation.